Breakthrough’s cusp

I’m on the cusp of breaking through to a higher spiritual level.

My cup is full. It needs to be emptied before I progress to higher frequencies. This demands awareness plus the knowing and integration of that knowing of who I am and where I’m at. 

My ears have been ringing since last night. My right ear feels numb as if someone has been screaming into them all night. How many times have my ears rung like this through the years— not realizing it’s a call/ a sign of spiritual breakthrough?

I spent some hours last night before sleeping and even though I got closer it still feels far off. 

I know these things are simpler than they seem. I might simply be trying too hard. I am missing something small. 

Legacy, it’s what came to me while writing this. The missing piece seems to relate to a legacy of mine. One connected to Lemuria and an upcoming trip. 

My breakthrough will happen on this trip!! 

I finally understand more about the high-pitch tones I hear—they have many different messages. 

It started years ago and I intuited the meaning of 2 slightly different tones, distinguishing between incoming angels and spirits and whether they are good or bad. 

Today, I have indexed a couple more: 

1. Opportunity for enlightenment

2. Spiritual breakthrough

Sense of center, refined

I woke up with the carcass of a bird on the left of my tent—my guides way of telling me that I have evolved to higher frequencies and that it’s time to move on. 

The two days and two nights I have spent here have given me clarity, removed shackles from enclaves past and taken me closer to the wisdom of who I am. 

Where I will spend the next night is yet to be revealed to me.

Life Ascendant @ playa de almáciga

Lessons from the sea

Countless drops in unison, an overwhelming force one has to respect. The sea is water in its complete form, an entity through which life evolves. 

Looking at the sea is looking at life, what life is, what life has always been, and what life will be. 

I am of the sea – therefore, I find myself in it, as I always have and always will.

Purified in mind and bodies, I return to being, I return to the sea…

I am the sea. 

🪬 Life ascendant @ Playa de Almáciga 

The main character

I’m plagued by increasing sensations of unrealities within my field of perception. Where I once sought meaning I now seek what’s real, and consequently, discover what is not. 

I’m losing my sanity. The constructs and systems that kept me sane are crumbling. My sanity no longer applies—it can accompany me no further. It's a luxury I no longer can afford now that my eyes are open.

I’m becoming the main character in my life as I awaken anew. 

Not a dream

You and me - two of three parts. A key to access reality. 

What’s the third? 

Today, I remember some of what was forgotten the night before, maybe longer still. 

It’s time. I reclaim time! 


That very moment

Sometimes your actions are wonderfully and amazingly out of your control.

You do things, take chances and risks you normally wouldn't see yourself taking.

You don’t know why, but the reason is not important.

It is as if a set of conditions has been met. You are in a state of flow. Pure intentions, feelings, a state of excitement taking the risk.

Yet it doesn't feel like one.

It’s more like it’s thee right thing to do... the only thing you were meant to do at that exact moment.

Thoughts about the experience only arise after the event itself has passed, when you are back to the normal you.

These experiences aren't meant to be analyzed. Only to be taken in, observed, and felt with an open mind and self.

When strangers are brought together by something larger than life itself and are ready for the encounter, magic happens.

So much to learn: Life lessons, insights, the discovery of a piece of yourself you never knew existed, and the way it instantly changes you.

Maybe all the things you need to know and learn at that particular time in your life.

Enjoy life - let's not complicate it

You are born, you grow, and you learn the ways of survival within your necessary and trusted circles;

life then flows unconsciously by like an unobserved creek in your backyard.

Enjoying life is a conscious choice!

Since birth, I was taught how to survive and which paths I should take for success in life.

But I was never taught the merits of enjoying life.

Instead, life flowed in an automated fashion where shades of success and failure dictated the level of enjoyment I 'deserved'.

How I have learned to enjoy life

I have discovered that the secret to enjoying life is to live each and every moment to its fullest.

It is one of those simple but hard things to do.

For me, this means:

  • Be fully present in each moment
  • Actively take in every aspect of the moment
  • Feel and appreciate the beauty of multiple perspectives
  •  Realize the blessings of what you are experiencing
  •  Be grateful
  •  Connects as deeply as you can

And if you ever think of will the next moment begin? The answer is:

- Now

- Always

- It already has...

Being mindful brings awareness into each moment, hones your perception, and infuses joy deep within one's self.

Conscious moments nourish compassion, remove the filters of ignorance, and allow us to fully experience the joy of life

My heart yearns

My heart yearns to express its truth. My truth yearns to be understood and seen. 

Sadness washes the present when my heart cannot be heard and my breath shallows. 

Time becomes elusive, the present fragmented. I’m ready to take flight but yet to soar. 

I’m awake but yet to be freed.  

Losing sight of my bigger picture

The real reason to get anything done is when they are aligned with something more elevated as they are only a separate piece of a larger picture.

More frequently than not, said big picture is not seen, and in some cases, not understood.

This is simply due to the lack of routinely checking in with your bigger picture, that is to say, that you actually have to take the time to design one in the first place.

Personal experience taught me to periodically check and adjust the overall puzzle. Otherwise, too much energy is wasted and my motivation takes a dive affecting all my life areas.

This has been the case for me lately, for I have dropped the ball.

I have plenty of seemingly valid reasons, that when scrutinized, are easily interchangeable with a myriad of excuses.

Not before long the actions you want to take and things you thought you want to accomplish lose meaning.

To avoid this from happening, the larger context must be revisited, written down, and treated with a level of sacredness.

In this regard, I have lost my way. So it’s that time for me again to reaffirm and recommit to my big picture, my purpose, and my mission.

What has changed? What to add and or remove, and where am I in the context of me, my wants, and needs?

Starting with the big picture and drilling down, the expected outcome is a list of short-term goals that are all aligned with the grand scheme that is life.

I am also expecting to form a few new habits that seamlessly enriches my daily life and activities.

Let's get to it!