Losing sight of my bigger picture

The real reason to get anything done is when they are aligned with something more elevated as they are only a separate piece of a larger picture.

More frequently than not, said big picture is not seen, and in some cases, not understood.

This is simply due to the lack of routinely checking in with your bigger picture, that is to say, that you actually have to take the time to design one in the first place.

Personal experience taught me to periodically check and adjust the overall puzzle. Otherwise, too much energy is wasted and my motivation takes a dive affecting all my life areas.

This has been the case for me lately, for I have dropped the ball.

I have plenty of seemingly valid reasons, that when scrutinized, are easily interchangeable with a myriad of excuses.

Not before long the actions you want to take and things you thought you want to accomplish lose meaning.

To avoid this from happening, the larger context must be revisited, written down, and treated with a level of sacredness.

In this regard, I have lost my way. So it’s that time for me again to reaffirm and recommit to my big picture, my purpose, and my mission.

What has changed? What to add and or remove, and where am I in the context of me, my wants, and needs?

Starting with the big picture and drilling down, the expected outcome is a list of short-term goals that are all aligned with the grand scheme that is life.

I am also expecting to form a few new habits that seamlessly enriches my daily life and activities.

Let's get to it!



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