What is, and what isn'

The secrets of the heart lie in the present. The old days never were - tomorrow will never be.

The day is young... it always is, and so are you.

This perspective adds fuel to the now, passion to the heart - breath to the soul.

What you do in the present is who you are - never part of what you will become.

Perspectives chosen

A perspective that also fuels the myths of tomorrow:

The inheritors.

The meaning of life is…

Do you treat life like it's an entity with a will of its own; and believe that you are at its mercy?

If so, is that not the same as saying your life is not your own; but a result of the whim of this mythical being whose actions - and inactions, create the fate of those still in its cradle?

Is life God?

The answers we seek about life, and its reason for being, stem from the realities we create - and consequently from the stories we tell ourselves.

Once you accept and integrate the fact that you alone are the creator of your life, you eventually realize that:

the present is your canvas,

awareness of your brush,

and purposeful moments, your artwork.

Life is a series of purposeful moments strung together to tell your unique story.

With that thought in mind, is apparent that the present, the now, is the only reality.

So, what is the meaning of life?

You tell me!

Be the energy that is. Be you!

The energy that is you, the universe itself, needs the care of intention and purpose from the combined guided will of compassion, wisdom, and love.

  • The wisdom of impeccable timing and application
  •   The compassion of a mother for her only child
  •   The love of a heart that sees and recognizes itself
The fragments of what was once whole, the love who once embraced chaos as its own heart, the dark that is true to light.

It is all one and the same. It is you realized.

So whenever you doubt yourself, or your potential, or feel lost, listen to the true you.

Listen to the universe.

Be the universe.

Be you.

The purpose of existence is you

The purpose of existence is a balance between what you give and what you receive.

The purpose of existence is meaningful relationships without attachment.

Bonds formed from sincerity, an open heart, and mind, free from judgment and without expectations of gain.

The differences make up the whole.

Without darkness, there is no light.

Without wrong, no right.

Without emptiness, no fulfillment.

Without questions, no answers.

Without chaos, no balance.

We are at our very core chaotic beings, birthed from chaos.

We are chaos in harmony.

It is in our nature to seek balance. What often eludes, as we don’t know what is missing, is the how.

Gravitating towards our center, and without closer examination, we assimilate energies not true to our needs to fit into a general balance of the many, off-lifting the responsibilities for ones own equilibrium onto others; onto circumstances.

Balance within oneself, those around you, nature, and of course, the universe—you.

Change your energy: Change your fate

Everything in existence fundamentally comes down to energy.

It is what we are.

It is what everything is.


And as someone who desires to achieve higher consciousness, this was a huge revelation once understood.

Once I had integrated this truth, my perspectives of life and how I cared for myself and those around me profoundly changed.

To be in a harmonious and energetic balance within oneself; with nature–was a life-altering insight for my spiritual growth.

Not being energetically balanced paves the way for misfortune, dense encounters, and harsh life lessons.

Make energetical hygiene a natural support pillar in your daily well-being routine: It will change your energy; your fate.

After all, you are energy. Energy is you.

The known unknown

The answers we seek about ourselves are already known to us but stored away just out of reach.

They have always been there, somehow we know they are. We just can’t seem to get to them.

Instead, we look externally for confirmation of sorts, that we or on target.

The answers are inaccessible simply because we are not ready, not mature, or experienced enough to realize them.

Once your question, asked or unasked, is answered, you will no doubt realize you have been tiptoeing around it for a while.

In fact, everything you have asked yourself, something you believe is of great value to you personally, the answer has immediately presented itself.

But dismissed mainly because it’s not what we expect or, again, not ready to accept.

All is still well though.

The answers will be there waiting until when you need them.

It is with these two words

Hello, world!

It is with these two words I enter into each new dawn.

It is with these two words my senses tune in.

It is with these two words I first smile.

These two words are tantalizing to the mind.

They conjure an array of adventurous thoughts and command a state of mind primed for grand stories and discoveries of oneself and those of newfound realities.

My world becomes yours,

your world becomes mine.

We become one as we embark on a journey of mutual growth, understanding,



and the betterment of all the parts of our whole on our paths to wisdom.

Words alone cannot convey the gratefulness of the blessings enabling us to enable each other.

Please be my guide, teacher, and friend, as I am yours.

Your world

My world

Our universe

My heart yearns

My heart yearns to express its truth. My truth yearns to be understood and seen. 

Sadness washes the present when my heart cannot be heard and my breath shallows. 

Time becomes elusive, the present fragmented. I’m ready to take flight but yet to soar. 

I’m awake but yet to be freed.  

You are

Sweet and gentle woman, the universe is blessed by your presence. 

The galactic significance it yet to reveal the true importance of today.

Your eternal love have the power to cure time–like at the push of a button, yours to freely navigate.

You are Gaia, 

you are a goddess, 

you are love, 

and you are loved.
