Ignorance is powerful. Its wielder, almighty; its targets are often helpless, and its triggers are many. Ignorance is the great perpetuator of suffering, and it mines away at love, for strangers and family and loved ones alike.
You may not believe me, but the greatest stories, or not some fantastical adventure, conceived by an equally fantastical imagination, are the stories and adventures that you personally live.
To achieve anything in the spiritual realms, spiritual energy is needed. It’s the fuel for protecting, gaining insights, being spiritually attuned, and powering your constant motion.
Conditional light: You are already enlightened. But you need to remove the conditions. (If this, then that conditions) It’s a chain of conditions that remove you from your enlightenment. It causes intermittent light/condition.
The words you choose to express a meaning can be the difference between life and death going forward or getting lost. The same goes for the intention or volition present during expression.
A deep-sea diver cannot return to the surface with all the weight he carried to the deep end of the sea. The same applies to spiritual elevation. You can only return to Oneness with what you came with—NOTHING.
The spiritual path is as many as it is one. Every step has its difficulties to overcome, and every step is a step closer to you becoming your own master.
All of your experiences, pleasant and unpleasant, and from the moment you were born, matter on a spiritual perspective. They reflect your life’s purpose, the paths you need to take, and the desired outcome.
Balance enables true growth. Excess on either side of your path generates an imbalance. It’s not until all the desired parts are collected that the desired outcome may be achieved. So is it with all things in life, your spirituality, and ultimately the conscious evolution of your being.